are there any queers in the theatre tonight?

ROGER WATERS framför THE WALL på GLOBEN den 5 MAJ 2011

aliciasivert alicia sivertsson roger waters pink floyd globen the wall
so ya thought ya might like to go to the show?

aliciasivert alicia sivertsson roger waters pink floyd globen the wall
exposing every weakness, however carefully hidden by the kids

aliciasivert alicia sivertsson roger waters pink floyd globen the wall
hey, teacher, leave us kids alone

aliciasivert alicia sivertsson roger waters pink floyd globen the wall
mother, should I build a wall?

aliciasivert alicia sivertsson roger waters pink floyd globen the wall
mother, should I trust the government?

aliciasivert alicia sivertsson roger waters pink floyd globen the wall
mama’s gonna make all of your nightmares come true, mama’s gonna put all of her fears into you

aliciasivert alicia sivertsson roger waters pink floyd globen the wall

aliciasivert alicia sivertsson roger waters pink floyd globen the wall
what shall we do now?

aliciasivert alicia sivertsson roger waters pink floyd globen the wall
I have seen the writing on the wall

aliciasivert alicia sivertsson roger waters pink floyd globen the wall
goodbye cruel world

aliciasivert alicia sivertsson roger waters pink floyd globen the wall
but it was only fantasy, the wall was too high as you can see

aliciasivert alicia sivertsson roger waters pink floyd globen the wall
got thirteen channels of shit on the TV to choose from

aliciasivert alicia sivertsson roger waters pink floyd globen the wall

aliciasivert alicia sivertsson roger waters pink floyd globen the wall
bring the boys back home, bring the boys back home

aliciasivert alicia sivertsson roger waters pink floyd globen the wall
I have become comfortably numb

aliciasivert alicia sivertsson roger waters pink floyd globen the wall

aliciasivert alicia sivertsson roger waters pink floyd globen the wall
you better run

aliciasivert alicia sivertsson roger waters pink floyd globen the wall
outside the wall

Jag grät redan till The Thin Ice. Makalös föreställning. The Wall är lika aktuell idag som 1979. Bring the boys back home, bring the boys back home .



2 svar till ”are there any queers in the theatre tonight?”

  1. Profilbild för Matilda

    oj, wow. det måste ha varit en upplevelse gånger hundra!

  2. Profilbild för Agnes

    Vilka helt fantastiska bilder. Out of words.

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